Next Service... Sun 29th Sep, 11:00am

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Hello, and welcome!

The Kirk Session manages the spiritual affairs of the Church. We presently have 32 active serving elders, meeting six times per year. Elders serve in a wide variety of ways, including managing the ongoing connections with our members through district visitations. We manage our day to day business affairs through one committee (Business) and four working groups (Pastoral Care / Welcome, Outreach and Hospitality / Education / Session… read more

Welcome  Minister's Blog

Upcoming events...

10:00 Weekly prayer meeting
11:00 Sunday Worship
13:30 Guild meeting

This Week  Calendar

Thought for the week

Verse for the weekfrom Nehemiah 4:6

So we rebuilt the wall, and all the wall was joined together to half its height; for the people had a mind to work.

Latest news

Galilee Books5 days ago

Glasgow has a new(ish) christian bookshop that opened up earlier… more

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© 2024 Barrhead St. Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland. A charity registered in Scotland, no. SC015730
Website by Sanctus Media Ltd