Next Service... Wed 5th Mar, 8:00am

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St. Andrew’s Parish Church is a vibrant and active congregation within the Church of Scotland. We are part of a community of Christians that have been worshipping here in Barrhead since 1793! We’ve had a good look around and we don’t think that any of the original members are still with us! In June 2013, the former Arthurlie and South & Levern Churches united together to form the new St Andrew’s Parish Church here on Ralston Road. As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, we are part of the newly formed Presbytery of Clyde.

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

Baptisms Here at St Andrew’s we would be more than happy to discuss getting your child baptised as part of our Sunday worship service, or baptising you as an adult believer. As a Church of Scotland congregation, we recognise… more

Get Involved

Get Involved

We also have plenty of ways you can get involved in the life of the church Hospitality Team - Tea and Coffee Rota Joining one of the Welcome Teams on a Sunday Using your musical gifts with the Worship… more

Our Facilities

Our Facilities

We have access to a wide range of facilities. Including our new community hall which was completed early in 2021. Our premises has an open plan sanctuary (accommodating 300) and six syndicate rooms over two levels. These premises are fully digitally enabled… more

Our Minister

Our Minister

Hello and welcome to the website of Barrhead St Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland. My name’s Tim and I’m the minister here at St Andrew's since September 2020. Although I’m the minister and the one who gets to stand… more

Our Worship

Our Worship

Our worship is both traditional and contemporary. We make use of Organ, Electric Piano and Media Player backing tracks. Our worship band complements our worship. Praise is transmitted through a fully integrated audio system.  Our praise words are projected via a… more



St Andrew’s Church fully complies with the Church of Scotland guidelines. Harm or abuse of children and adults at risk can happen anywhere, even in church communities. We have a duty to Ensure a Safe Church for All. This means… more

Session Clerk

Session Clerk

Julie Meggat has been our Session Clerk since January 2023, after taking over from Elma Farr.  more

Staff Team

Staff Team

Minister You may be familiar with my role from other parts of this site, which I would encourge you to review. I’m responsible for organising our weekly public worship services, conducting local funerals and weddings and a wide range of… more

The Kirk Session

The Kirk Session

The Kirk Session manages the spiritual affairs of the Church. We presently have 32 active serving elders, meeting six times per year. Elders serve in a wide variety of ways, including managing the ongoing connections with our members through district visitations. We… more

© 2025 Barrhead St. Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland. A charity registered in Scotland, no. SC015730
Website by Sanctus Media Ltd