Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

Here at St Andrew’s we would be more than happy to discuss getting your child baptised as part of our Sunday worship service, or baptising you as an adult believer. As a Church of Scotland congregation, we recognise two main sacraments (a sacrament is an outward sign of God’s goodness and forgiveness towards us). Baptism is one of these signs, and Communion is the other one. Both of them are a way of us saying thankyou to God for everything He does for us, and also of renewing our commitment to serve and love Him in return.
In the case of infant baptism, the Church of Scotland expects at least one parent or other close family relation either to be a member of the Church or willing to become a member. This is because baptism is a way of us stating our commitment to the Christian faith. Where an adult is getting baptised, then there is an opportunity for them to profess their own beliefs as a practising Christian. Where a child is being baptised, the family is professing to the faith on behalf of their child, and promising to bring them up as far as possible within the Christian faith. This is very much a two-way commitment. As part of the service, the congregation of St Andrew’s are also asked if they will promise to support and love the children who are baptised into the church family. That’s why baptism is normally carried out as part of our regular Sunday worship – to show that the individual is being welcomed and accepted into our family.
If you would like to dedicate your child within the Church but are unable to commit to the promises that accompany baptism, we are also able to consider a thanksgiving service instead. This ceremony of blessing would also take place at our morning worship following a similar pattern as that for baptism. However, in a thanksgiving service the wording and promises are different, and no water is used. Nothing is required of the parents in terms of either an ongoing commitment or belief, although we would expect the family and any visitors to show respect for the beliefs of the Church.
You can find out more about the position of the Church of Scotland on infant and adult baptism at this link: Please note that there is no charge for a service of baptism or thanksgiving, although you are more than welcome to make a gift to the Church should you wish.
Please feel free to contact Tim our minister if you would like to find out more about either infant or adult baptism.
Main contact
Contact: Tim Mineard - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Midweek prayer meeting: Wed 26th Mar, 2025 at 10:00am
Worship on Wednesday (WoW): Wed 26th Mar, 2025 at 11:00am
Alpha course: Wed 26th Mar, 2025 at 7:00pm
Soup at St Andrew's: Thu 27th Mar, 2025 at 12:00pm
BB Awards Evening: Thu 27th Mar, 2025 at 6:30pm
Weekly prayer meeting: Sun 30th Mar, 2025 at 10:00am