Next Service... Tue 17th Sep, 2:30pm

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Building Together

Our church is due to enter into a 3-way Union with Bourock and Neilston Parish churches within the timescale of the current Clyde Presbytery Mission Plan. This would involve both St Andrew's and Bourock buildings remaining open for the foreseable future under one united Kirk Session. We would also be entering into a team ministry, meaning that we would only have 2 ministers for the united charge rather than 3.

As part of this process, we will be holding some open conversations with members and attenders here at St Andrew's. The purpose of these conversations will be to discuss and identify what is unique and distinctive about our own congregation, and what we want to see retained in a distinct identity as we move forward into the Union. The first conversation will take place after the Sunday service on Sunday 18th August, and there will also be one held after the service on Sunday 8th September. Please try to attend one of these if you possibly can. A questionnaire will alse be circulated in due course. 

Rev Maureen Leitch is also planning to bring together a working group with representatives from the 3 local congregations to discuss what this willl look like as we move forward. This is an incredibly important piece of work. The Kirk Session have agreed to put forward 3 representatives from St Andrew's to help form this group. 

In addition, there will be a joint Mission Group between the 3 churches that will look at how we develop and stimulate missional outreach to our community. Again, we will be looking to put forward 3 representatives to join this group and would appreciate any expressions of interest. Graham Currie will likely be taking the lead on convening this group.Please do continue to pray for these discussions as we move forward. Pray that we get the right people from each of the 3 congregations, and pray for Maureen and the group as they start to enter into what can be tricky and complicated discussions. 

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